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Basic Approach

The Sankyu Group positions compliance as complying with corporate ethics,
laws and regulations, and internally determined rules such as the Articles of Incorporation,
company rules and regulations, and thoroughly implements compliance.

Compliance Implementation System

The “Compliance Committee” chaired by the Senior Executive Director in charge of Administration (Representative Director) has been established for the purpose of planning and implementing measures required for the establishment of the Sankyu Group’s compliance and supervising and supporting compliance of the organization. It deliberates and decides important matters related to compliance, and also deliberates and decides measures to address problems related to compliance.

Whistleblower System

The Sankyu Group’s whistleblower system is made up of the Public Interest Reporting System and the Sankyu Hotline.
Its purpose is to strengthen compliance by preventing the spread of damage inside and outside the Group caused by organized or individual legal violations and violations of internal rulesrelated to business operations,
and quickly discovering and effectively remedying such problems,
making it a system leading to meaningful improvements for the development of the company and for employees and their families.

Public Interest Reporting System

The Sankyu Group’s Public Interest Reporting System was established to appropriately respond to the revised Whistleblower Protection Act that came into force in June 2022,
and conforms with both Article 11 of the revised Whistleblower Protection Act and ISO37002.

Sankyu Hotline

This has been created as a mechanism for handling internal reports that do not fall under the Public Interest Reporting System.
Both systems have internal and external contact points, with an attorney’s office serving as the external contact point and attorneys handling reports.