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Community Contribution Activities

Athlete Support

As part of its social contribution activities,
Sankyu provides a variety of support enabling athletes to continue sport
without concerns about lifestyle, and focusing on competing.
Fencing athletes Kanna Oishi and Riki Oishi were hired in 2015 and 2017,
and Sankyu became the naming rights sponsor of the Tokyo Sankyu Phoenix women’s rugby team in 2019.

2019 All Japan Fencing Championships

Tokyo Sankyu Phoenix

Installation of charity vending machines

Since 2019, Sankyu has jointly installed charity vending machines
supporting young people who have gained independence from social care with Shutoken Wakamono Support Network and Ito En, Ltd.
There are currently five vending machines, which have provided a total of 380,965 yen in donations from May 2019 to April 2020.

Donation of scholarships for
orphans of car accidents in Kitakyushu City

On December 10, Sankyu donated 2.5 million yen to the Sankyu Scholarship Foundation for Traffic Accident Orphans established in Kitakyushu City.
The foundation was established in Kitakyushu City in October 1969 with donations from Sankyu, and it provides program that pays a scholarship with no obligation of repayment to high school students in Kitakyushu City
who became traffic accident orphans. This fiscal year is the 52nd year since the inception of the foundation, and it has donated a total of 137.5 million yen to 1,398 recipients.
The Sankyu Group will continue with initiatives enabling contributions to traffic safety and the community as a logistics company.

Social contribution project in Thailand

Every January, Sankyu makes donations from the company and employees to an orphanage located within a neighboring temple on Children’s Day
in Thailand. Employees also grow deeper ties with the children such as having lunch with them on the day, and offer them gifts at the end of the day.

Transportation of personnel and equipment related to the withdrawal of the international rescue unit dispatched to Haiti

On January 12, 2010, a large earthquake occurred near Port-au-Prince,
the capital city of Haiti, causing enormous damage to the country.
The United Nations decided to strengthen MINUSTAH (the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti) established in 2004,
and requested member countries to dispatch personnel. In response to this,
Japan decided to dispatch a facility team and removed rubble from damaged buildings and performed road repairs. However,
the project ended in March 2013, and Sankyu handled the return of over 200 personnel dispatched to Haiti and the withdrawal of equipment filling 50 20-foot containers and over 100 articles of heavy machinery and vehicles.