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Environmental initiatives

Challenge aimed at realization of environmentally friendly logistics.

We will promote business activities leading to environmental conservation and provide green logistics services to customers.

Familiar initiatives as a company

● Environmental measures in the transportation sector
We are proceeding with the replacement of vehicles with those that conform with vehicle emission regulations such as the “Nitrogen Oxides and Particulate Matter from Automobiles Act” and the “Ordinance on Environmental Preservation” of Tokyo,
and the trial implementation of devices and measures to address particulate matter, and green vehicles (CNG vehicles). Furthermore,
we are taking steps to obey legal speed limits and Eco Driving (such as stopping idling and installation of digital tachographs).
● Environmental improvements in logistics centers
We are switching forklifts used in warehouses to battery vehicles and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) vehicles.
Introduction of eco warehouses equipped with solar power generation.

Introduction of eco warehouses equipped with solar power generation

● Switching work communication vehicles, etc.
to environmentally friendly vehicles
We are proceeding to replace diesel vehicles and gasoline vehicles with green vehicles (hybrid vehicles, etc.)


The Sankyu Group is engaged in active environmental conservation activities with the watchword of “friendly” to people and the earth.

● Initiatives in offices
As an energy-saving initiative, the head office and other locations have been engaged in no-necktie attire in the summer season and water saving since 2003 and “Warm Biz” since December 2005.
● Utilization of energy usage record input system
As a specified business operator, the Company is engaged in improvement activities with the target of “reducing the basic unit for energy by 1% or more per year” defined in the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use. As part of these activities,
the Company has built an energy usage record input system and implemented it in 245 locations. The system provides timely result management and rapid responses to anomalies,
and supports appropriate and swift energy management.

Energy usage record input system operation screen

● Promotion of environmental awareness activities with employees
We are actively engaged in environmental conservation activities by creating green curtains using vines such as bitter gourds for departments and branches, locations of group companies, and individuals.
Contests have been held since 2018 in an effort to foster environmental awareness and to develop and spread these activities.

【 Green Curtain Contest Grand Prize 】

Individual Section

Group Section

Promotion of social contribution
activities related to the environment

We actively participate in cleaning activities and environmental promotion activities in communities where branches are located as part of our social contribution activities. In 2018,
we hosted “SpoGomi” combining garbage collection with sports as a centennial project.
Almost 500 employees engaged in the social contribution activities with a feeling of gratitude.

Local road cleaning activities

Group photo at SpoGomi

Enhancement of environmental PR activities and
strengthening of communication

We call for poster submissions from employees and family members to raise awareness of environmental activities,
and provide awards by selecting exceptional works by employees, family members and children of elementary school age or lower.
The work chosen for the grand prize was distributed and displayed throughout the entire Group (approx. 2,100 copies).

【 Environmental Month Poster Grand Prize 】

Employee Section

Family Section

Elementary School and Younger Section

● Proposal of Expansion of Modal Shift for Reduction of Customer CO2

Sankyu operates regular marine container transportation services including marine container transportation services between Kanto-Tokai-Sanyo-Kyushu,
and fright ships between Sanyo and Hokkaido. At present, we are proposing to customers a modal shift utilizing these routes as an initiative aimed at reducing CO2 emissions.
Promotion of the initiative was approved, and the company received the award for “Excellent Business Entities Working on Modal Shift” for five consecutive years from 2014.

Awards ceremony for Excellent Business Entities Working on Modal Shift

Environmental Management System