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Corporate Governance

1. Basic philosophy

As a listed company, the Company believes that the basis of corporate governance is to ensure management transparency for shareholders and other stakeholders, and to aim for continuous growth and development by improving management efficiency.

2. Systems for decision-making, execution of business, oversight, and auditing in corporate management

(1) In order to ensure that Directors execute their duties efficiently, the Company shall hold regular meetings of the Board of Directors each month, as well as extraordinary meetings when necessary, to decide on important matters and mutually supervise the business execution status of Directors. In addition, important matters regarding items such as management policies and strategies are discussed at the Management Committee, and the Board of Directors makes executive decisions after these deliberations. The Company has adopted a corporate officer system to promote the separation of oversight and execution, as well as to enhance the oversight function of the Board of Directors over business execution and speed up its decision making process.

(2) Corporate Auditors attend meetings of the Board of Directors and the Management Committee, as well as other important meetings, receive reports from Directors, Corporate Officers, and employees, and investigate the status of the Company’s business and assets, as necessary. In addition, Corporate Auditors are able to take necessary measures in a timely manner, such as presenting opinions, including advice and recommendations, to the Directors, etc., and prohibiting Directors from committing violations.

(3) With regard to the internal audit, the Internal Audit Department audits the business, accounting, etc. of business sections and subsidiaries based on the annual internal audit plan, in accordance with the Audit Regulations. The results of the internal audit are reported to the Corporate Auditors, facilitating cooperation with the Corporate Auditors.

(4) With regard to the accounting audit, the Company has appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC as its Accounting Auditor, and the Accounting Auditor executes the audit work based on the annual audit plan.

Diagram od Corporate Governance, Internal Control,
and Other Systems