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Tax Policy

1. Basic Policy
The Sankyu Group contributes to the development of the economy and society by fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities of paying appropriate taxes in all countries and regions where we do business.
2. Legal Compliance
The Sankyu Group complies with the tax laws and regulations of each country and region, and fairly and appropriately fulfills our obligations to pay taxes with a high sense of ethics.
3. Transfer Pricing
The Sankyu Group complies with the tax laws and regulations of each country and region, and fairly and appropriately fulfills our obligations to pay taxes with a high sense of ethics.
4. Tax Planning
The Sankyu Group considers tax matters in line with the purpose and actual conditions of business activities, and does not make legal interpretations deviating from the system’s intentions or conduct tax planning solely with the intent of tax avoidance.
5. Response to Tax Risks
The Sankyu group receives advice from external experts such as consulting tax accountants as needed such as in cases requiring sophisticated tax considerations or accurate interpretations of tax law, and also endeavors to confirm important tax matters with tax authorities in advance and clarify the handling of tax matters.
6. Relationships with Tax Authorities
The Sankyu Group endeavors to maintain relationships of trust with tax authorities through sincere responses and explanations based on facts.
7. Governance System
The Sankyu Group understands that instilling awareness of tax compliance among management and employees is important. We endeavor to conduct education, share information, and create consultation systems to this end.