materiality マテリアリティ

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Based on an evaluation of the importance of social issues in our business and
their importance for stakeholders, social conditions and the opinions of stakeholders,
we have identified 16 materiality and organized them into six themes.
We will implement initiatives according to the response policies.

Six Themes

16 Materiality


Environmental Conservation

  • Response to climate change
  • Resource recycling
Response policy
With the common awareness that “the global environment is essential for all of humankind,”
we will actively promote the reduction of environmental impact associated
with business activities.
Relevant SDGs


Creation of Fulfilling Workplaces

  • Creation of fulfilling workplaces
  • Human resource development
  • Diversity
  • Enhancement of occupational health and safety
Response policy
Based on the management philosophy of “placing importance on people”
we will engage in the creation of an environment in which diverse personnel are able to
enhance their individual skills and work with pride and motivation.
Relevant SDGs


Ensuring Safety and Quality of Service

  • Enhancement of occupational health and safety
  • Ensuring safety and quality of service
  • Provision of value in response to social change
  • Ensuring information security
  • Provision of services utilizing innovative technology
Response policy
Based on the strong resolve to “prioritize safety in all aspects,”
we will endeavor to enhance service quality by refining technologies
and skills with safety as the foundation of all business.
We aim to develop our business by providing services that meet society’s needs.
Relevant SDGs


Contribution to Local Communities

  • Respect for human rights and contribution to local communities
Response policy
Based on the spirit instilled in the management philosophy of “contributing to the
development of society through the development of the company’s business,”
we will aim to achieve sustainable growth with local communities.
Relevant SDGs


Strengthening of Management Base

  • Securing governance systems
  • Thorough risk management
  • Dialogue with stakeholders
  • Disclosure of information on business activities
Response policy
We aim to be a company that is trusted by stakeholders by performing risk management
through the creation of an appropriate governance system,
and conducting fair and equitable business activities ensuring transparency of management.
Relevant SDGs



  • Compliance
Response policy
We will comply with corporate ethics, laws and regulations, and rules determined
within the Company, and act with social decency as a member of international society.
Relevant SDGs


Materiality Identification Process


Create long list

Identify social issue candidates
based on external guidelines

Identify disclosure recommendations
and social issues presented
in external guidelines
(GRI, MSCI, WEF, FTST, etc.)

Associate and organize items
that are similar to the items identified
in each guideline


Identification of

Scoring of importance of social
issues according to the evaluation
items on each judgment axis for
business and stakeholders

Map social issues
by referring to scores

Conduct interviews of management,
employees and external
stakeholders, and
reflect them in mapping



Final deliberation of the 16 social
issues extracted and
activity definitions

Approval by the Board of Directors

Materiality Mapping

Implementation System

The Sustainability Committee has been established as a deliberative organ on sustainability,
and works with the initiatives of various committees, etc.
related to sustainability to promote Groupwide activities. Furthermore,
the content discussed in the Sustainability Committee is reported to the Management Committee and Board of Directors

Main content of
Formulation and review of basic policy on sustainability and materiality,
identification of risks and opportunities and deliberation of action, progress confirmation and
direction of activities for overall sustainability issues
Frequency of
In principle, twice per year
Chair and members
Chaired by the Senior Executive Director with members including the chairs of relevant committees, etc.
and organizational heads