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Creation of Fulfilling Workplaces

  • Creation of fulfilling workplaces
  • Human Resource Development
  • Diversity
  • Enhancement of occupational health and safety
Response policy
Based on the management philosophy of “placing importance on people”
we will engage in the creation of an environment in which diverse personnel are able to
enhance their individual skills and work with pride and motivation.

Ensuring Safety and Quality of Service

  • Enhancement of occupational health and safety
  • Ensuring safety and quality of service
  • Provision of value in response to social change
  • Ensuring information security
  • Provision of services utilizing innovative technology
Response policy
Based on the strong resolve to “prioritize safety in all aspects,”
we will endeavor to enhance service quality by refining technologies and
skills with safety as thefoundation of all business.
We aim to develop our business by providing services that meet society’s needs.

Contribution to Local Communities

  • Respect for human rights and contribution to local communities
Response policy
Based on the spirit instilled in the management philosophy of
“contributing to the development of society through the development of the company’s business,”
we will aim to achieve sustainable growth with local communities.

Activities for Contribution to Local Communities

Sustainability Initiatives

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