> English
> Sankyu Sustainability
> Materiality
> Compliance
- Basic Policy
- We will comply with corporate ethics, laws and regulations, and rules determined within the Company,
and act with social decency as a member of international society.
- Initiatives Related to “Compliance”
- Committee activities
- Implementation of employee awareness surveys
Every autumn, we implement compliance awareness surveys for all employees
including those of domestic affiliates.
The results are provided to employees as feedback in the internal newsletter
to share current issues, and these are reflected in initiatives to resolve them.The whistleblower system is made up of the “Public Interest Reporting System”
and the “Sankyu Hotline” providing a system for strengthening compliance
management, leading to the advancement of the company’s business and
meaningful improvements for employees and their families.
Compliance Committee System
- Compliance support
department - Corporate Planning Dept, Human Resources Dept, Labor Relations Dept,
General Affairs & Corporate Social Responsibility Dept, Legal Dept,
Compliance Administration Dept, Accounting Dept,
Land Transportation & Green Logistics Dept, Port Operation Dept,
Quality Assurance Dept, Safety & Health Dept, Environment Dept,
LS Planning Dept, BS Planning Dept, PE Planning Dept
and other departments designated by the Compliance Committee