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Environmental Conservation

Basic Policy
With the common awareness that “the global environment is essential for all of humankind,”
we will actively promote the reduction of environmental impact
associated with business activities.
Responses to TCFD Recommendations
  • Governance
  • Strategy (scenario analysis, evaluation of risks and opportunities)
  • Risk management
  • Indicators and targets
Environmental Initiatives
  • Environmental policy
Replacement with
environmentally friendly vehicles
  • Switching work communication vehicles, etc. to environmentally friendly vehicles
Eco Drive activities
  • Environmental measures in the transportation sector
Installation of solar power generation
  • Environmental improvements in logistics centers
Promotion of modal shift proposals
  • Significant reduction of CO2 through the realization of modal shift
Promotion of environmental awareness activities
  • Promotion of environmental awareness activities with employees
  • Promotion of social contribution activities related to the environment
  • Enhancement of environmental PR activities and strengthening of communication

Environmental Management System